The Guerrilla Guides to the Law keep climbing the charts on Amazon, one of them is now up to #5, another is at #12, and the third is climbing fast. The Guerrilla Guide to Legal Research is going to be available soon as are the others.
We are not offering any of the Guides in print yet, and to be honest we are not likely to. The reason is that they get so expensive when you add in printing and shipping costs that it just doesn't make any sense.
BUT…what about those of you who don't have a Kindle or Nook? What do you do to get these guides?
You can order the PDF version of the Guides from we have them on sale there now for $12.97, we give a little bit of a break on the Kindle and Nook versions because of the cost of the readers, but the PDF is viewable and printable on any computer with the free program Adobe Reader. If you order from us you are allowed to print a copy for personal use so there is no need to buy a printed copy. In addition, the PDF are searchable by keywords and you can even make notes right on the document.
If you want to save a few bucks or just prefer buying from Amazon or you can download free Kindle and Nook apps that let you view those documents on your computer, although they don't allow printing.
If you have any questions, let us know. We'd love to hear from you.
Also, if you have any particular areas you would like to see covered in future Guerrilla Guides, let us know that as well. It may be something we can give you the basics on here on and then cover in more detail in a book.
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