We have had a couple of people ask what is on the way n the series, so we thought we'd give you an update. These take a while to write because they are being done from scratch, unlike some websites that just rewrite work done by others, and also because they are being written and edited to be as easy to understand as possible.
Here is what is on the immediate horizon:
1) How to Settle/Handle Your Own Car Wreck Case
2) Evidence
3) Anatomy of a Lawsuit
4) Anatomy of a Trial
5) Opening and Closing Arguments/Statements
6) Basics of Civil Procedure
Of course, all of these will be titled "The Guerrilla Guide to …"
If you have anything else you would like to see drop us an email, we certainly are open to suggestions. We may also do printed copies in the future, although we prefer publishing in digital format so that any corrections can be made instantly and the materials can be downloaded immediately.
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