Coming Soon – A Free Guerrilla Guide to Lawsuits
We are continuing to produce great books for sale at a great price (The Guerrilla Guides to the Law), so we thought we'd tip you off about a new ebook that will be coming soon. It…
We are continuing to produce great books for sale at a great price (The Guerrilla Guides to the Law), so we thought we'd tip you off about a new ebook that will be coming soon. It…
We just wanted to post a quick note and let our readers know that the Guerrilla Guide to Small Claims Court is completed and now in the editing phase. If anyone is in or about…
Twenty or so years ago, car wreck cases were relatively easy to settle even for people representing themselves. You reported the wreck, the insurance adjuster shows up to do appraisals of the damages and took pictures,…
If you have read through the articles on this website then you know that not only do we believe that a person deciding to handle a lawsuit themselves is not only appropriate but in some…
Due to several email requests we have just released the instantly downloadable PDF version of The Guerrilla Guide to How to Fight a Debt Collection Lawsuit, available at We also have all of…
Over and over I have heard and read the complaints that, "My lawyer is working for the other side." Sorry, there is about a 99% chance that's just BS. You may not want to hear…
Even though I am no longer practicing law, I still do some consulting and often get calls from lawyers that I know wanting to bounce ideas off of me or ask questions. Just the other…
A friend passed along this issue and asked us to write an entry on it since it is pretty common in lawsuits, but might be one of those issues that a person representing themselves pro…
While we have a great book on written discovery available through the website (you can read about it at this post) we wanted to take just a moment to answer the basic question, "What is…
Do you want to represent yourself in a lawsuit, but are afraid that not only will the playing field not be level but it will even be slanted against you? That's a valid…