Sued for a Credit Card You Don’t Owe or Too Late?
There is a huge surge lately in scummy collection agencies suing for credit card debts that 1) are past the statute of limitations (which usually starts running on the date of the last payment), 2)…
There is a huge surge lately in scummy collection agencies suing for credit card debts that 1) are past the statute of limitations (which usually starts running on the date of the last payment), 2)…
Do you want to represent yourself in a lawsuit, but are afraid that not only will the playing field not be level but it will even be slanted against you? That's a valid…
As we've mentioned in previous posts and in the Guerrilla Guides to the Law, nothing makes a pro se litigant look sillier or marks you as a rookie more than using the wrong terminology or…
With the economy still in the tank and the collection agencies in full attack mode, many people are being sued and quickly facing a Motion for Summary Judgment so we thought it might be a…
Rarely is it a good idea for someone to represent themselves in a criminal case and applying for an expunction is, at its roots, a criminal case. However, some people either can't afford an attorney…
As our friends at Jurisdictionary pointed out in a recent email, people who choose to represent themselves do so for two main reasons: 1) They don't have the money to spend on a lawyer; and…
One of the most common complaints that we hear is from people who just have a couple of questions from a lawyer and want to ask them, but don't want to have to pay a…
In civil cases when someone is sued they are supposed to file an "Answer" after they are served with the lawsuit. That is the legal term for an initial response in a lawsuit. It can…
Although this website is really devoted to helping people understand the legal system and representing themselves in lawsuits, occasionally we'll throw a tip on here just to help out. There is a scam out there…